Riverside Discipleship Ministry


We offer a thoughtful approach for considering the truths of God’s Word, which is our source for walking with the Lord, and then walking out these truths in community as we connect and serve together.  We want you to find a place to consider the Word of God, which is your source, and a place to connect with others in order to serve.

Being intentional about the depth and breadth of our lives and encouraging others to embrace this priority is the hallmark of our community. Spending time together with the purpose of considering the Word of God and related topical studies, and taking time to connect in small groups, building friendships and serving one another is the centerpiece of Riverside Discipleship.

Opportunities for discipleship are provided through FOCUS Groups and LIFE Groups throughout the week.

FOCUS Study Groups

The Purpose of our FOCUS Studies is to teach the Word of God in a clear, understandable and livable way through our children, student, college and adult groups. We accomplish this through short term directive studies as we use other teaching tools to thoroughly explore the in depth knowledge of living the Christian life. 

Consider the Word of God

Consider:  to fix the mind on with a view to a careful examination; to think on with care; to ponder; to study

The purpose of our Bible Study is to view attentively the Word of God.

FOCUS Groups offer Biblical unit studies, topical, and personal discipleship training.

(Biblical Studies, Growth, Training, Membership, Missions, Family studies)

“Listen well to my words; tune your ears to my voice.  Keep my message in plain view at all times. Concentrate! Learn it by heart! Those who discover these words live, really live; body and soul, they’re bursting with health”.Proverbs 4:20, 22 (The Message)

Discipleship Guidelines


1. To encourage the evangelization of the world through small groups by reaching the "Mission Field" of our county, city and neighborhood.

2. To encourage the awareness of the needs of others.

3. To encourage and teach each believer of the Christ-like life that is available to everyone who appropriates the Word of God through the Spirit of God.

4. To encourage and provide personal ministry to every person in the Riverside family

5. To encourage fellowship and caring ministry through each small group study.